أخبار HG Anba Ermia and HG Anba Julius lead the funeral service of deacon.Eng. John Magrd Selim, at the Church of St. Mark Cleopatra 11 April,2018
Photo Albums HG Anba Ermia prays and blesses “Atohobony” service before distributing clothes and other needs of Easter 2018 11 April,2018
Photo Albums HG Anba Ermia honors martyrs and Ideal mothers in Mother’s Day ceremony held at the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center 2018 11 April,2018
Photo Albums HG Bishop Ermia receives a delegation from the University of Catania, Italy 11 April,2018
Photo Albums HG Bishop Ermia and HG Bishop Theodosius head Mother’s Day Mass for “widows” at St. Virgin Mary and Archangel Michael Church 11 April,2018
Photo Albums HG Bishop Ermia participates in Petroleum Workers General Syndicate conference “We are all with you for the sake of Egypt” as part of the official campaign of Mr. Abdul Fattah al-Sisi 11 April,2018
Photo Albums Tube containing hair of “St. Pope Kyrillos VI” perfumed in the presence of Bishop Ermia and Bishop Julius 11 April,2018
أخبار HG Anba Ermia honored on the sidelines of the second meeting of the Egyptian Pharmacists Syndicate 11 April,2018