أخبار (العربية) الأنبا إرميا يلقي محاضرات عن تاريخ العصور الوسطى بمركز البابا شنوده الثالث للتاريخ الكنسي 29 November,2023
Photo Albums The Fifth Ceremony of English and French Sunday School service “Sama Kids” and Deacons School 2023 29 November,2023
Video Sermons “Examples of Holy Zeal” A Sermon of His Grace Bishop Ermia given at Saint George’s Church at Hammamat Al-Qobba 29 November,2023
Video Sermons “He Who Wins Souls is Wise”, A Sermon of His Grace Bishop Ermia at Saint George’s Church at Manshyat Al-Sadr 29 November,2023
Photo Albums The Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center Celebrates the Graduation of a New Batch of Summer School 29 November,2023
Domestic Receptions and Visits H.G. Bishop Ermia receives the former President of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University 29 November,2023
Photo Albums His Grace Bishop Ermia delivers a Sermon Entitled “Martyrs under the Altar” at Saint George’s Church, Khamaraweh- Shubra 29 November,2023
Religious Meetings and Conferences Activities of the First Day of the Ninth Conference on Ecclesiastical History “The Eighth Century: Difficulties and Transformations” at the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center 29 November,2023
أخبار The Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center celebrates the Excellence Award in Mathematics (Mr. Magdy Fahim Award) 29 November,2023