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Dr. Ayman Abdel Moneim governor of Sohag, accompanied by Maj. Gen. Mustafa Mokbel Assistant of Interior Minister, Sohag director of security, a number of Muslim clerics and ministers deputies visited the monastery of Anba Shenouda (White Monastery) in Sohag and were welcomed by Anba Pachom Bishop of Sohag, Maragha, a number of Christian clergy and church leaders in Sohag.
The governor inspected the ancient buildings in the monastery, and was pleased and impressed with this historic place, and explained that Sohag is characterized by archaeological mosques, churches and monasteries that reflect the culture and history of the authentic Egyptian people which is characterized by unity and cohesion throughout the ages, Sohag province is seeking to put such historical places on the tourism program map of the governorate.
He praised the conservative spirit of love and affection that bind the people of Sohag, and the extent of the affiliation, and love of people to their country Egypt, stressing that everyone works for boosting this country.
Governor greeted Copts for the start of Virgin Mary fast and wished that God restores these days on the Egyptian people with welfare and blessings.
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