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Among the series of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center Book issues
Recently issued: “The Original Sin” Book
Foreword by: His Grace Bishop Ermia, the General Bishop and Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
Prepared by: Prof. Dr. Maurice Tawadros
Professor and Head of the Holy Bible Department at the Seminary College and Professor of Biblical Theology at the Institute of Coptic Studies.
“The original sin” is a phrase which bears many concepts and visions across days and times; some people rejected its being in the first place, thinking that it is an imaginary story, some others interpreted it in a wrong way, leading him to wrong conclusions. In this booklet, Dr. Maurice Tawadros, Professor and Head of the Holy Bible Department at the Seminary College and Professor of Biblical Theology at the Institute of Coptic Studies, reviews some of those misconceptions, then he introduces the faith of the “Coptic Orthodox Church” as handed on by the father saint apostles; the one faith which is asserted by Saint Jude in his epistle: “…I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1: 3) As he has always been, Dr. Maurice uses a simple yet deep style.
We are pleased to present this booklet for the benefit of many. I express my thanks to Prof. Dr. Maurice Tawadros for dedicating this precious book to the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center to be published.
May the Lord compensate all who exerted effort in publishing this valuable work, which we ask God to make a reason of blessing to all who read it, through the intercessions and prayers of St. Virgin Mary, the theotokos, St. Mark the Apostle, the preacher of Egyptian homes, the saintly father Apostles and through the prayers of His Holiness Great Pope Tawadros II, the Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark.
30th of Amshir 1932 AM Bishop Ermia
9th of March 2016 AD The General Bishop
The feast of Pope Cyril VI’s departure Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center

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