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أقيمت صلاة جنازة الشهيدة إيزيس فارس الشهيدة الـ27 من شهداء الكنيسة البطرسية ظهر اليوم الأحد Funeral service for Martyr “Isis Fares” 27th martyr of the Petrine Church was held today December 25, 2016 at Virgin Mary and Anba Bishoy church in St. Mark cathedral.
The funeral service was held by their Eminences Anba Raphael, Holy Synod secretary and Bishop of Downtown Cairo churches, Anba Danial, Bishop of Maadi, Anba Ermia, General Bishop and head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center and Anba Julius, Bishop of Old Cairo.
Anba Ermia said at the funeral service, the Coptic Church is based on martyrs and saints, and terrorist attempts will not prevent Copts from praying.
Anba Danial said that the highest level of testify is martyrdom and Martyr Isis Fares was close to god by her spirit and now she is close to God by her spirit and her body.
His Eminence added that heaven opens its doors to her and that martyrs left worrying, hate and went to heaven and all the world look to them as stars in heaven and we get comforted that they are in a better place but in the same time we feel hurt by the way they passed away.
His Eminence added that the church offered many martyrs and no era was free of martyrs, we are ready to testify by prayers to death, we groan from the fatigue on this earth land we ask our Lord that their souls rest in peace and pray to God that their blood be the beginning of an era full of peace and love between all people and that god pull out hate from earth.
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