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“Successful people always trust their ability on success” The path of life is so difficult for the person who has no trust for himself”. Self-trust is firstly based on trusting God who granted every person working, productive and challenging energy at the time of difficulties so that one can face the challenges of life. Ralph Raldo says that trust is “to believe in yourself so deep that you can achieve your goal, God’s willing, despite all the challenges and irregularities”
Self defeat begins by the person himself before being caused by outside reasons. As one’s negative attitude toward himself draws him far from his real capabilities that God gifted him with. Thus, it is said, “Your negative vision of yourself is the main reason of your failure in your life”.
Those who trust in themselves have different vision than those around them which influence their behaviors in different situations. Those who trust themselves seek to build, but those who lose it seek to destroy.
At one of marathon international competitions the Kenyan runner was on the top of the marathon during all the competition. The Spanish runner was the second behind him, yet a strange thing has happened 10 meters before the end of the marathon. The Kenyan runner stopped as he thought the competition was over and this was the real chance for the Spanish runner to go beyond him and win the competition. This won’t be his mistake, but the mistake of the Kenyan runner who thought he reached the end of the competition, but what happened was the total opposite, the Spanish runner went to the Kenyan and told him that the competition is not over yet and that there were still some meters left before the end point. Here raised the question, “Why did the Spanish runner act this way and lost the competition?” I think that he trusted himself, his abilities and the possibility of his winning again next time without the need to the mistake another one makes. Whoever trusts his abilities and talents that God gave him will never seek to make success out of the failure of others, but he rather achieves success with God’s help, his exerted efforts, and his toiling. As they said, “The line between self-trust and pride is so narrow”
So, my dear friend, beware of the overlapping of both things that will make you unable to realize the difference. If you want to determine your feelings, check your actions as a person who trusts himself, helps others to succeed. A person who has trust in himself will not backstab others from behind to remove them from his way. Whoever trusts himself will never belittle the value of others or the value of their work. Whoever trusts others will not fear the success of other but help them make success.
Whoever trusts himself will never look for the first place between people but he will stand behind all of them to strengthen and encourage them. Whoever trust himself will not wait for a chance for success and he will turn into incident, no matter how hard it is, he faces into a chance of success. Whoever trusts himself will realize that work and toiling that are based on their trust in God are the way to achieve success. Through your path of life, walk on unshaken land. Trust in God who loves you and who grants you the capabilities and energies that science still discovers till now and utilize them as one day you will be asked for them and on life we are still sailing…
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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