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In the previous article, we tackled some people’s tendency to evaluate others’ deeds and characters which make them appoint themselves judges and advisers on others. This blinds them from seeing their own selves correctly. They forget about love and mercy which enable one to see others through a broad perspective. Instead, they see others as their reflection. In fact, getting to know others well enables one to understand their attitudes and stances, which is why we shall discuss how to realize the full potential of our lives.
The pace of life has become so fast that years pass without you sitting to yourself and evaluating your thoughts and deeds. Thus, you cannot alter your tread or correct your path whenever necessary. Sometimes, a few hours of thinking help you avoid long years of deviation from the right track. If you sit to yourself, be fair. Try to get out of your cocoon in order to look into incidents objectively.
Narrate to yourself your own words and stances as if you hear them from someone else, and ask yourself, “What is my judgment?” If you cannot make it, seek your confidants’ opinion: for they truly love you.
Upon understanding clearly, do not look for justifications for if they help you today, they will not tomorrow. If they make you an object of sympathy now, they will lead you astray later, for you will be inclined to believe them and deceive yourself. Remember that God cannot be deceived. He knows everything, and will judge everybody.
A wise man once said that the secret of his strength is admitting his mistakes, being honest to himself, and taking the necessary measures to regain the right track. Applying such principles leads one to self-respect, as well as winning others’ respect.
Sometimes you are not happy with your life because of certain stances or decisions. Do not despair. Accept the reality and correct your path, otherwise you will neither change nor achieve anything. Making mistakes is not the problem. Rather, justifying those mistakes leads to destruction.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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