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When we contemplate the Nativity scene which we celebrate tomorrow in the East, we see nothing save deep humbleness and simplicity. In fact, Christ was born of a poor virgin taken care of by a poor, elderly carpenter! Christ was born in a poor manger: for St. Mary had no other place to give birth to her child: “She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.” Moreover, Nativity was declared to a group of humble shepherds who were guarding their flocks at night: The angel appeared to them, announcing the good news of Christ’s birth. He guided them to his place, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Thus, the incidents of the Nativity tell us that God makes love, honesty, and humbleness the criteria with which He measures man. Indeed, those who were called to see the “child of the manger” were the honest and humble. Meanwhile, God deemed them great. Thus, they deserved to the declaration of heaven and seeing Christ.
On Nativity, heaven showed interested in those uncared-for souls, such as the shepherds. Here, I recall a true story about Nativity. It took place in a Russian orphanage. That was in 1994. Before Christmas, the orphanage administration decided to present the story to the children who were suffering from deprivation and negligence.
On the appointed day, two people came over to reenact the story, speaking of Sts. Mary and Joseph, their traveling to Bethlehem, and not finding a guest room. So, they went to a manger where St. Mary gave birth to Christ and placed Him. The children listened attentively. Then the two people gave the children some pieces of cardboard to make a manger and put a child therein. While one of them was walking among the children to help them, he stopped by a six-year-old boy called Misha: for he found he had placed two children in the manger, instead of one!
The man asked Misha why he did so. The child looked at the manger thoughtfully, then started recounting the Nativity story in like manner he had just listened to it. He stopped at the part where St. Mary placed her child in the manger. Then, Misha started recounting his own story, “When St. Mary placed her child in the manger, Christ looked at me and asked me, ‘Do you have a place to stay at?’ I answered, ‘I have neither a mama nor papa; nor a place to stay at.’ Then Christ told me that I could stay with him.” Misha wanted to remain with Christ and thought He wanted a present. So, he decided to stay with Him in the manger to make Him warm!
“This is how I got into the manger,” continued Misha, “Christ looked at me and told me that I can stay with Him forever.” When Misha finished his story, tears had already filled his eyes and started running on his cheeks!
Many happy returns! I hope the message of Nativity this year be one of giving love and care to whoever has nobody to care for.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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