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In the previous article, we tackled “human relations” that make humans one harmonious family. Such simple ties express the depth of humanity within us. Human relations are based on love, respect, equality among people, and mutual care and understanding.
Another human principle is to treat others the same way you want them to treat you, which base is “I give you what I want you to give me.” It has its origin in Christ’s teachings, “And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise” How would life be like if men treat one another in a nice way? I think that the world’s horrific mask would fall, revealing happiness.
Thus, everybody realizes that each person deserves to be treated in like manner his fellows are. Treason, treachery, cruelty, and injustice will disappear. In fact, nobody wants to be treated in such ways which annihilate all human values. When peace prevails and hope spreads, we will witness a new world.
Another important principle is understanding and appreciating the other’s point of view which might differ from or contradict yours. Here I recall a story which I read in a letter. Though it is a children’s story, it bears insights that adults lack in. The story is narrated in the by its protagonist, “The Girl in the Red Hat”:
“Once upon a time, while strolling in the forest, I saw a small animal which I called, ‘Little Monster’! He was in great danger, as it hung to a tree. So, I hurried to save him. I sympathized with him, and took him to my house where I fed and bathed him. I also made him special clothes to make him feel warm. Each morning, we used to walk together that he might get healthy. Then, I took him to my school and made my colleagues play with him lest he feel bored. Then, I made him a little house in my room that he might rest. One night, it became cold. So, I feared lest he develop a cold. So, I put my hat on his head to warm him up. After a few minutes, his face became red and his temperature increased. So, I hurried to toward the window and opened it. But, my monster took off the hat and fled from the window. I wondered sadly why my monster fled though I saved his life and took care of him.
The girl’s mind kept whirling until it came to pass that the monster returned to his house which was made in her room, put his head into the hat, and slept. Here, the girl smiled and whispered, “Now, my monster has realized what I did for him!” To be continued…
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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