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In the previous article, we tackle the beauty which God grants man, and that the best thing man leaves others is good and human talents, a timeless beauty that runs profoundly.
This beauty is also reflected on its owner’s life, filling it with success. Here I recall the story of a farmer who used to take care of his land. He used to spend the whole day working lovingly and seeking whatever he can offer his plants that they might be fruitful, until he was able to annually win the prize of the “Best Maze Harvest” which is given in his country.
This attracted a journalist’s attention. So, he asked him about the key of his continuously winning the prize. The farmer started by describing to the journalist how much he cared for his plants. They kept talking until the farmer said that he and his neighbors used to exchange seeds. Here, the journalist was amazed and asked the man, “How come you give your neighbors your good seeds, especially that you know they will participate in the contest, and thus compete with you? Don’t you fear their excelling you?” The farmer smiled and said, “Sir, Don’t you know that the wind carries pollen grains and throws them in fields? Thus, if one of my neighbors plants bad seeds, this will affect my plantation, for bad seeds will spread.
Therefore, if I want my harvest to be good, I have to give my neighbors the best seeds!” Here I would like to highlight certain points:
– Life does not accommodate one person only, by many. They should share things and enjoy togetherness, that their hearts might be filled with love and sympathy. Life becomes hard if man is alone.
– The farmer realized that his fruits’ quality is affected by seeds his neighbors sow. So, he decided to give them the best ones. The result was the improvement of all crops, and his in specific. Hence, if we seek happiness and success, we have to learn that they cannot be achieved through individual effort. Rather, they become easy if we support one another. Haven’t you ever supported anybody and been given the first reward?
– Some people misunderstand the meaning of competition, and restrict to loss and gain. Life does not accommodate a sole winner. I do believe that winners are supported by a whole team. Success is a cause in which everybody participates. If anybody tries to demolish the other, the whole human family will be ruined. Yet, if everybody cooperates, humanity will attain success, which is the true challenge of life.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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