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One Christmas, an airline company made a feast at the airport where it is located for twenty travelers. Yet, the table was so high that no passenger was able to eat anything. The etiquette was that a person would sit at a chair and the table would move a bit downward. When the number reached twenty, the table would be close enough for everybody to eat. Thus, should anyone leave it, the table would move upward again!
When the travelers realized this, they started to invite others to sit with them until the number was completed. In effect, each one found a plate with delicious food, apart from other dishes. The passengers were delighted to see the table before them, which was not achieved unless twenty people were at the table. Probably, this table was a means of propaganda for the airline company that made a slogan, “We strive to gather people during Christmas festivities.” This was what it offered: gathering twenty travelers unknown to one another to celebrate Christmas, instead of feeling lonely. This has to do with the company. What about life?
Life is a journey, and we are no different from those passengers. We might be alone, or accompanied by a few friends. Yet, we have to remember that there people who march in life. We can cooperate with them and achieve collective good and happiness. Verily, every man has to realize that he cannot do everything, and needs others. He cannot deny others’ roles which enable him to overcome many obstacles.
What could have happened if the required number had never been completed? Passengers would have continued looking at the high, unreachable table which nobody could reach alone. Passengers had to gather collectively that they might reach their goal. Likewise, each had to sit at his chair. Should anybody stand, they would not reach the goal which rules were set. Same applies to life. There are rules to be followed during this journey, like respecting everybody that we might enjoy good and joy.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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