He asked: “how long would our years last for?!” I answered that we’d better think; “how we shall live our days?”
These words were the ones with which I began my previous articles, I didn’t know then that I was going to rewrite them while speaking about the departure of a righteous son of mine, who departed few days ago! He lived in tranquility, worked in tranquility, and departed in tranquility as well; he departed to the endless eternal life, in which peace, tranquility and joy have no end.
It is the righteous servant, son Wadie Samir: a name which is not popular among the world, yet a precious and dear, he left inerasable impacts on the memories and hearts of all who dealt with him and met him; he is one of the life model figures who lead a greatly simple life, that their life journeys become a light beam illuminating the way for the strangers living in this world.
Greatness in the way of life that we explore, about which I speak frequently, is a life style man follows, bearing on his shoulders a message and a role that he shall fulfill in the best way possible. In fact, life roles are not classified into big and small ones, but rather all roles integrate to present humanity in its greatest sense and deepest meaning, for example, mankind has known one of its great inventors; Thomas Edison, about whom pens have written, however, his achievements were attributed to his great mother, who made her son a model of great success after he was deemed by his teachers a model of stupidity and failure! We have frequently talked about Helen Keller, the miracle girl, yet we have spoken a few of her skillful teacher, Anne Sullivan. Thus, in the way of life, there are two types of great people: those who are known by the world and immortalized in the history memory, and those who have made them great, however, the latter ones’ great capabilities are not realized by the world.
My words fail to describe my son Wadie who pursued the way of life with great meekness that made him win the hearts of those he dealt with. Despite his tranquility, through his silence you can hear a loud voice expressing his love for everyone! Regarding his work and service with us, he was faithful, honest and dedicated in everything he offers, strong in times of adversity, capable of bearing responsibility with great patience and excessive commitment. He was also very modest in all his dealing, although he had acquired many talents, he worked in silence and never attempted to take pride in what he used to do or achieve throughout two decades, till his departure day. He is one of those characters who are rarely to be found.
Life is a journey towards eternity, its success indicates doing your mission with your ultimate power and honesty, using those talents granted by God to you, and thus you will positively influence whoever you meet, such was your life, son Wadie: to you I dedicate those words: “You have done a great role, have worked with faithfulness and love. Yes, we truly miss you in this world, yet we believe this is not the end, but rather the beginning of the real life, we will all meet one day.”
General Bishop
Head of Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center