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He said, “You started your talk about mercy that is gifted by God, glory be to His name, and that is not known except by the heart that knows Him.” I answered, “Yes, as He is the Merciful who opened to humanity the door of mercy from which people can enter and obtain from His mercy. Then they can offer people from God’s abundance on them”. I recall the story of a person who made a door out of gold and called it “The Door of Mercy”, and then he put it at one of the exhibitions. So, audience came to watch his art and discuss its idea with him. One of the audience was a professional carpenter specialized in making doors.
Once the carpenter has watched the door, he said to the artist, “I think this door is very wide, we do not make doors in these measurements”. The artist answered, “Yes, I know, but the door of mercy is not like any door. It is wide to let them enter; those who come and wish to enter from it.” The carpenter smiled and said cynically, “This is not the only fault in your design; your door is also so low that it does not allow the normal person to enter”. The artist said, “Surely, you are right. The door of mercy cannot be entered by anyone. It is designed for those humble ones who can bend with all humility with no haughtiness or pride.” The carpenter quieted a little and asked the door maker: “Why did not you make a key to open and close it like all doors?!” He said to him: “The door of mercy does not need to be closed, but it is always open to everyone who wants to enter.” The carpenter said in astonishment: “If it does not need a key, then why all these bolts and locks that you put on it from inside?!” He answered: “For there will come a day when it will close in the face of those who reject mercy: at the end of life.”
He asked: “How can mercy be?!” I answered him: “There are many manifestations of mercy in human life: mercy in giving, mercy in words, mercy in pardon and forgiveness, compassion and appreciation of the conditions and feelings of others, and mercy on the weak.”
Let’s talk about giving. A person who offers is a heart full of compassion that put humanity first before anything. As we have said before: giving is not evaluated by material only, but it is wider and deeper: when your heart is compassionate toward those who do not know the way and you give them good advice, you are also giving. When a person needs you and you give him some of your time and interest, you offer something great. There is no doubt that there is those who give, yet feel compelled to do so may be out of compliment, obligation or in order to boast. But the real giver is drawn by the feelings of compassion that fill his heart and urge him to give to others without waiting to be asked, as he truly feels them and their needs. H. H. Late Pope Shenouda said, “The perfect giving is not for those who ask you, so you give them, but it is rather to feel the needs of the poor and give them without waiting for their demand”
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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