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During his lifetime, man has to realize he cannot be alone. Likewise, he has to look for the reality of the situations he faces. Some people feel they are always right, and know the truth, while there are many problems they not fully aware of.
It came to pass that a man went to a physician to tell him about a problem of his wife’s. She was suffering from deafness, and he knew not how to help her without embarrassing her. The doctor asked him, “How deaf is your wife? Can’t she hear you when you are in the same room or far from each other?” The man answered, “I really don’t know”. This made the doctor ask him to return home and see how far he should be from his wife that she might hear him, and he should repeat his words at various distances to see which of them was the best.
When the man arrived, he started his trials. He stood at the entrance and cried, “What have you prepared for dinner?” But he did not hear an answer. Then he went to the corridor and repeated the question. Yet, he heard nothing. He approached the living room and said loudly, “What have you prepared for dinner?” But still he heard nothing.
Eventually, he went to the kitchen and repeated his question. So, the wife answered, “Chicken! I told you thrice, and this is the fourth time!” The true problem was the husband’s, not the wife’s! He was the deaf partner!
You might as well go through similar situations. Yet, before assuming the others are the reason, look within you: for the true reason of what is happening to you might be there. Only then, you can overcome your difficulties and support others, as they will realize you are not just accusing people falsely.
How great life is when man knows is it’s a partnership! When we rise, others do. When rain falls, the sun rises, storms occur, and the soil sprouts fruit, it is for everybody. Only then, he will not feel seek the others’ weaknesses or flaws; rather, he will seek the truth, realizing that happiness resides in everybody’s success. How beautiful it is to live together!
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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