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On life words still go on, on our life path while stetting our eyes on the goal we seek to achieve, we ought to be aware that the path itself is an invite for us to grow and learn. Helen Keller, the prominent symbol of determination says,”Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood”
It is also said that life is a huge school; I once read a comment that like on this saying, “There is a difference between life and school. In school, you first learn lessons, then take the exam; but in life you are tested first, then learn from it later”
Indeed, in life we learn from the tests, the trials, tribulations and sufferings we go through. Each test we go through adds to our knowledge, determination and forbearance. It digs its lines over our days.
They are lessons we receive and they draw our path and offer light for our successors. Isn’t this the history of humanity written on the walls of time! The history from which we learn and live the immortal saying, “Those who were aware of history added more years to their life”
On the path of life we learn from people around us, all people. A wise man was once asked, “From whom should I learn”. The wise man said, “You should learn for all people, the intelligent man should learn from the good traits of people around him; even children and thieves”
He was astonished and said, “Learn from the child joy, simplicity, bursting with vitality as they always move so be a hard worker and of good determination”. So if a child asks for something, he never stops till he gets it. Be of good will and determination at your journey of life. He asks what I can learn from a thief.
The wise man asked, a thief does not know despair, so if his plans did not work, he would figure out another plan to achieve his goal. He also cooperates with his friends ready to sacrifice his life for achieving his goal deterring all the difficulties he faces.
The wise man realized that during our passage through the bridge of life, we meet a lot of people the good and the bad, we should learn how to learn lessons from them that we may not learn at the whole books of the world, but we learn them at the school of life.
At life, we also learn from the mistakes of us or others too. They say, “In life there is no mistakes, but lessons” Some see it as valuable lessons in life, while the makers of the grieving mistakes can’t learn from it, then surely those who surround them will benefit from them. We are humans and we are fallible; but we ought to learn from our mistakes to correct our way and reach what we desire.
The young man, who joined the company recently, was about to hesitantly enter his manager’s office as he made a wrong decision at his work that cause the company to lose huge sum of money exceeding thousands of dollars, he tried to arrange his words of apology while thinking of resignations whole Trains of thoughts kept crashing in his mind. When he entered the office,…
….On life we are to sail with words….
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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