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During our lifetime, we meet some people who cling to their past victories as well as defeats. Most of the time, they are strayed and hindered by their memories from living the present and working for the future. They always suffer from the pain induced by memories of lost happiness and glory, or sad experiences. In both cases, they are fixed to a time which they have no desire to overcome!
Thus, we have to tell them to forget the past and let bygones be bygones, and that God has granted them the past and present which they should not waste. The great, successful people realized this divine grant. Albert Einstein says, “The future is more important to me than the past: for I intend to live there.”
So, stop focusing on or ruminating the past, and procrastinating. Rather, put your present before you, and try to correct your mistakes, enhances your successes, or try to attain more achievements. Whoever progresses does not look backward, except for the sake of learning. It is said, “Let go of the past, and of people’s words. Have you ever heard of a person winning a race while looking backward?” Indeed, life has become a rat race. We are racing against others, ourselves, and time. As you get ready for racing to accomplish your achievements, let bygones be bygones, learning lessons for your forthcoming days. The only benefit of the past is learning lessons from it. Beware from losing the lesson: lest your future be negatively affected. It is said, “Whoever doesn’t learn from the past isn’t pitied by the future.”
Here, allow me to pose a question: Can a person succeed if his thoughts are entrapped by the past? Can he return to that past, leaving his present? Till now, I have not heard of a person who was able of so doing. So, do not fix your clock to particular point of time. Rather, acquire experiences from your past that you might utilize them in your present which will become a past in the future. Do not regret what had gone. Have hope that God can offer you great present and future if you are faithful to your gift: life.
Fill your time with hope and confidence in God. Plan and get ready for work with all your energy and potential, thanking God. Get ready to resist obstacles and problems. Thus, you sketch, as it is said, “a future which you want to live, instead of living a past that you want to restore.” Thus, go forward; never despair. Which great man knew that he would offer the future what he gave?
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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