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Many a time, people think that life starts from the top, without taking climbing the steps toward growth and progress, which is why some people dream of reaching the top in the twinkle of an eye! They are unaware that this requires exerting great effort and gradualness. This applies to all the human race, though the way one climbs the steps differs from one person to another.
Some people think they should always start from scratch, and that others’ previous trials would avail nothing, and that reaching one’s goal requires patience, experience, effort, perseverance, and potential in order to attain success. Others start where their predecessors had stopped. They resume the march, realizing that, by perceiving others’ mistakes, they will not repeat them. Hence, they will reach a better status. It is difficult to choose one of these methods. However, our social life has the following characteristics:
First, in both cases, no matter which method man chooses to adopt for his life, only wise experiences help him achieve success.
Second, Life is too short be wasted in testing others’ experience, for, as such, we will not have the chance to go over his own unique life and experiences which lead him to a deeper wisdom. Moreover, he will progress at work, which is why we read, “Whoever learns history adds years to his ages.” This is quite clear in scientists’ and inventors’ lives. They look into their predecessors’ experiences, then exert more effort to achieve more progress for the good of mankind.
Here, it is interesting to speak of Faraday’s philosophy with which he answered a lady who attacked one of his experiments before some viewers. He had connected two copper wires, then putting a magnet near a copper bundle. So, the gauge needle moved, indicating the generation of electric current through the power of magnet. When he moved the magnet away, the needle returned to its original position. Here, Faraday declared that electric current can be generated this way. But the lady said angrily, “Is this what you gathered us to watch? What’s the use of this experiment? Are you making fun of us?” Faraday answered, “My lady, my experiment is like an infant who cannot walk yet. But he can do in the future. Someday, my experiment will prove beneficial. It will develop when it acquires the potential.” This was fulfilled when the first step was taken to generate electricity.
Benefiting by others’ wisdom and experiences, as well as our readings, helps us grow and develop more quickly than starting from scratch. Yet, this does not meant that was we lose our specialness or personal experience. Rather, we should live them deeply and prudently. Be yourself, but learn from others.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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