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Eastern Christians celebrate Palm Sunday which is a commemoration of the people’s reception of Christ as He entered Jerusalem with palm branches. In this context, one’s attention is attracted to a concept that Christ wanted to drive home: strength versus weakness.
The Concept of Strength and Weakness
Christ went to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. He entered the city on a colt! This opposes the era’s concept of strength which was embodied in violence and supremacy. This was the exact opposite of weakness then. In effect, Christ was supposed to have entered Jerusalem on horseback that the earth might shake. However, things did not go this way. Rather, Christ acted meekly, presenting a role model of true influence that emanates from within the person, not from without.
I did read that as Christ entered Jerusalem on a colt, not a horse, the former being a symbol of peace, a Roman called Sabor brought Him a horse to ride instead. Yet, a Jew told him that all his horses were lesser in value if compared to that colt ridden by Christ. Our patriarch Abraham rode a colt as he was going to offer his son to God. So did Moses. At that time, the Roman left in amazement.
The concept of strength and weakness differs in earth and heaven. Whoever depends on God enjoys the real strength that can shake the world. According to one of our fathers, “Nobody is stronger than the person who enjoys heavenly support. Also, nobody is weaker than he who’s deprived from it.”
Many people received Christ as a king, though He was not enthroned before them. Josephus writes that the population of Jerusalem amounted to two and a half million at the time of Christ’s entering the city on a colt. They came from everywhere to celebrate Passover in the Temple. Their cried out loud, “Hosanna to the Son of David”, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord”.
Many happy returns on the occasion of Palm Sunday! May God bless you and our country!
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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