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His words echoed in my ears. They were like a lifeboat that saved me from drowning in pain. A person who gives, taking nothing in return, feels quite bad with those who take, giving nothing. My friend said, “Calm down! Do not allow your mind to wander from your goal by focusing on those who demolish. They do not deserve it. Focus on positive things, for life has better and more important things.” These very words filled me with hope.
Many people suffer because of others. Yet, reactions differ according to people’s dispositions and priorities. Whoever loses his goal loses his life. On the other hand, whoever appreciates time never heeds obstacles or depressing words, overcoming all negative circumstances.
Fill your mind and life with positive things in order to overcome negative things. It is said, “Fill your mind with positive ideas, good intentions, dreams, and projects. Thus, whenever negative thoughts pop in, they will find no place to stay at; they will flee. Let go of all negative things. Success is the choice of the positive. It is said, “Great minds are preoccupied with positive thoughts, ordinary minds with incidents, narrow minds with people. Be great through your positivity and the great ambitions you want to achieve, even if not fully. Sow the seeds, and humanity will reap the fruit some day.”
As you reject the negative things others try to implant in your mind, do not allow negative thoughts about yourself to hide therein. Any ship starts sinking if there is a small hole in it. Evaluate your conditions; think of improving things without hurting yourself or others. Remember that great men were little kids one day, and all great edifices were once sketches. So, focus on tomorrow’s achievements, not today’s scene.
Life may be full of negative things. Do not stop there. Be positive. All roads are full of stones, some of which can be used in destruction, while others in construction. Light fades at sunset, but it glows at sunrise. Some hands demolish, but others build. This is life! Either you stop at its tribulations, or overcome them.
Be positive, especially as you confront challenges, preoccupying yourself with the better and more important.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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