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In Cooperation between the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center and Youth Diocese, under the auspices of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II and his two partners in the apostolic service Anba Moussa, General Bishop of Youth and Anba Ermia, General Bishop and head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center.
A conference of Orthodox faith “Dogma 4” for priests – and custodians of ministry – servants – young people, will be held at the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center in Anba Roweis Abbasia, on Saturday, March 18, 2017 evening from 16:30 to 21:00, the meeting will begin with Cross feast vesper.
The conference will be attended by (Anba Benjamin Bishop of Monoufia – Anba Moussa Bishop of youth – Anba Raphael General Bishop of downtown Cairo Churches and secretary of the Holy Synod – Anba Agathon Bishop of Mghagha and Adwa – Anba Ermia General Bishop and head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center).
Conference discusses contemporary dogmatic themes :
+ What is the importance of dogma
+ Modern heresies and reply
+ Between inheriting death by fall and inheriting kingdom by redemption
+ Rooting in patristic teaching of HH Pope Shenouda III.
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