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We tackled in the previous article the issue of Will and how willpower defines those who keep going and those who stopped in the middle of the road. Willpower is fed on purposes that people seek and patience through the journey of life. As they say,” Have a willpower and challenge obstacles, thus you raise your flag on the tops of success”. Road to success will always by strong will and determination. As
Abu al-Qasim al-Shabi has said,
Whoever shrinks from scaling the mountain,
Lives out his life in potholes.
Nothing will make man afraid of scaling mountains but a weak will.
Willpower will grant you strength to do the impossible. Even when there is no way, you will make a way if you have willpower. Moreover, people and next generations will follow your steps thus it is said, “A man without willpower is the most sufferable person ever” as he will lead a life void of achievements and progress.
I have read what was written about Japan, but some words caught my attention, that is, Japan suffers from more than a thousand big and small earthquakes yearly. However, the Japanese face them with willpower that overcomes the destructible effects of earthquakes. They bent on building their country to be the most powerful country in the world. The same may happen with you, you can overcome any troubles in your life, if you are bent on defeating them. Strong souls are those who have strong will, but the weak live only in dreams.
Principles and morals you believe in strengthen your will and assure your steps. They work as a rock that breaks any despair. If principles are deeply-rooted inside one’s soul, they will help him to take the right decisions confidently and be the fuel that fires his determination. However, a man without principles will live like a feather hit by the wind and fall at any place till it gets lost in life’s turmoil.
Thus, dear reader, hold on to your values and moral principles, they are your safe haven when the world comes against you and your good witnesses before God .Honesty, mercy, justice and love have been always the pillars of life.
Empower your will with your noble purposes and work to reach them patiently and whenever you feel weak, tell yourself to keep the good work and never give up or fall in despair as God will eventually see your work and toiling and he will bless you and turn all your toiling for good.
I conclude by part of al-Mutanabbi’s poem,
Resolutions are measured against those who make them;
generosity in accordance of the giver
Littleness is magnified by small men
While grandeur is deprecated by the great
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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