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I’d like to congratulate all Egyptians on the 44th anniversary of the glorious victory of October war that we celebrated yesterday. It is still filled with sweet aroma and has become a part of our identity; so that its traces are impossible to be waned, deformed or become of less greatness.
October’s victory was not just a mere victory of a battle wined by a country. But it was a full record of a determination of an army and people who rose to restore the Egyptian land that is part and parcel of each patriot. As I mentioned before, one of the major differences between successful people and others who are stumbled on the path of life is “determination”. One’s fierce determination to achieve his dreams is the greatest secret that encourages a person to go forward and pursue success. While weak determination will not help make achievements and memorable deeds.
Determination of Egyptians is a flame whose constant fuel is their love for their homeland; this powerful love that beats in every Egyptian heart. Egypt was the point of attention of every one after the painful time that followed June, 1967.Each one tries to liberate her from her sorrows. Indeed, efforts were launched to restore the Egyptian dignity. From 1967 to 1973, Egyptians worked diligently to achieve victory through many trainings and preparations of the Armed Forces till launching of war of Attrition that fulfilled a great role. It caused great losses to the enemy and on the other hand, it helped the Egyptians restore self-confidence and trust in their abilities that made them manage to achieve victory.
It did happen. Egyptians manage to restore their full sovereignty over, “Suez Canal” so that navigation and a part of Sinai’s Egyptian land were restored in 1975. Egyptians presented an icon of “Egypt” painted with their blood. They proved they are capable of achieving what the world thought it was impossible, when their victory on October 6 shattered the myth of the invincible army that many believed in and it became impossible to be dispelled or buried!
Achieving victory requires determination to push people work without interruption until they reach their goal. As that determination led to achieve victory that stunned the world, it could also achieve outstanding achievements for our country in all walks of life.
Many happy returns. I wish Egypt and its great people peace, and prosperity. I congratulate the armed forces on the memory of a day that brings to mind determination of an army and people.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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