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In the previous article, we talked about the ability of the wise person to recognize the problem and its real reasons, as he is a profound person not a shallow one, reading not only the title of a problem, but delving deeply into it. We also discussed the true wise personality, able to win whomever he deals with, whatever conflict may exist between them, through his wisdom, love, understanding and endurance. Likewise, he can help others to understand the opinions of those around them and endure their attitude also.
A wise person values every individual for their own worth:
Life is a journey in which whoever seeks to acquire wisdom, learns from every situation he experiences and from every man he meets. He has love, appreciation and care in his heart towards everybody, and also learns, shares with everybody and helps whomever he deals with, as he is well aware of the words of Solomon the wise king: “Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days.”
Therefore, the wise seek learning and participation with all those they encounter in life.
I read about a certain king, who loved his people very much. One night, he had an idea, that he should disguise himself, changing his royal clothing and wearing cheap rags, to be able to meet the poor, talk with and listen to them. He immediately implemented his idea and went out into the streets to meet his people himself, especially the poorest of them to learn about their thoughts and their living conditions. The king used to go out by the back gate of the palace, seen by no-one.
One day, he saw a poor fisherman in rags as he was walking along the street. The fisherman was seated in darkness before some burning firewood, grilling a few little fishes for his dinner. The king approached the fisherman, greeted him with a smile, sat down beside him, and started speaking with him. The fisherman was pleased to talk to him, and they chatted for a long time, after which the fisherman invited the king to share his food, and the king delightedly accepted and they continued talking while eating.
The fisherman talked about fishing, telling the king stories about his life, after which he talked about the kingdom’s standards of living, and the king was listening very carefully, commenting with few simple words correcting his concepts. At the end of their meeting, the fisherman told the king: “Meeting you has been a pleasure, dear friend, I’d like to spend longer time with you, but I really have to go back home to my family, I will be happy if we meet again.” The king thanked him: “Thank you, dear brother, the pleasure is mine. Now I have a nice, wise, hospitable, broad-minded and big-hearted friend. Definitely, I am looking forward to seeing you every night and enjoying our chats.
The king joyfully returned to his palace and repeated his meetings with the fisherman several times, so a bond of love and friendship developed between them.
One night, the king decided to reveal his real personality to the fisherman while on his way to meet him, thinking that he might need help or a favor, and how happy he would be when he learns his real identity, and that he could get whatever wishes for. The king was exceedingly happy, thinking he would make his friend the fisherman and all those around him happy.
However, the fisherman was amazed and confused when the king revealed his real personality! Yet the king spoke to him nicely as usual, and asked him if he or his acquaintances needed anything. Then the fisherman looked at him lovingly and said: “I have heard so much of your majesty’s love and generosity towards your people. Yet, I could not have imagined that your majesty would come and share with me all those happy times. Your majesty offered plenty of favors and gifts to many people. As for me, I was the luckiest of them all, because I got you as a friend and brother! My request is that you would not take that back and deprive me our friendship!
The king was most astonished that the poor fisherman didn’t ask for any of his wealth, merely requesting the friendship of the king himself.
To be continued…
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