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We tackled justice, that is considered the greatest human deed according to philosophers. Power of nations is in justice and the just ruler is always powerful. We also recounted how Umar Ibn Al Khattab was a just ruler that his justice is proverbial.
Justice is not but a path that an individual or a nation passes through leaving their traces for the next generations to follow. Thus, it is said, “I traverse the way of righteousness, In the midst of the paths of justice”. This is how nations experienced peace and security over ages.
Eisenhower, the shrewd politician, 34th president of the USA and first Supreme Commander of NATO, said on peace after experiencing the woes of wars that “Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin”. He explicitly means that once one of them is there, the other would be found. It is also said, “If you want peace, apply justice”.
The Bible asserts that point, as we read, “The work of righteousness will be peace, And the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever.” If justice is applied, the evildoer will cease his evilness, righteousness will prevail and accordingly peace, in every sense of the word, would shadow over the nation. This has been the purpose of humanity since ancient days.
Injustice is a stream that drives all who walks in its paths toward a deep and bottomless abyss. “The violence of the wicked will destroy them, Because they refuse to do justice.” An unjust person is considered evil and currents of evil will destroy him. The way of peace is not known, but for the just. “The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goes therein shall not know.” Peace prevails over the hearts of those who treat all people equally and show that in their actions. They also judge themselves justly.
I recall the story of the just caliph: Umar Ibn Al Khattab. He distributed new clothes on people and gave one piece for each person. Once he was giving a speech and one of the people told him that he did not deserve to be obeyed. The caliph wondered about the reason. He answered that he ordered to distribute one piece of clothes on each person while he took two. The caliph told him not to hasten in judgment and called his son and asked “Tell me if the clothes I wear is mine or not”, his son said yes, it was his. Hence, all people were sure that the caliph applied justice even on himself.
Khosrow, the Persian king, has sent a messenger to Umar. He found him sleeping on the sand. The messenger said, “You are feared by all kings as you applied justice, enjoyed peace and thus slept deeply”
The follower of justice and mercy will find life and dignity. A country that applies justice on its subjects will be highly respected by other countries.“The King’s strength also loves justice”.
Peace, security and goodness that any country seeks lie in the justice of its citizens and officials. Otherwise secure countries would turn into tormented one unable to resist the blustery wind that blows up from here and there.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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