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Only few days and one of the great importance projects, not only for “Egypt” but for the whole world, is going to be accomplished: the “New Suez Canal,” Egypt’s gift to the world. Egypt since ancient times and especially after digging the Suez Canal is the focus of attention to all powerful countries as it was said to the king, “Louis XIV” that there is no part of the earth from which he can control the whole world and its trade but Egypt.
When we reflect on this gigantic project, “the New Suez Canal,” that the whole world has witnessed, one can’t but to feel pride and have faith in the determination and strength of the Egyptians. While experts stressed that the project needs up to 5 years to be launched, we witnessed the Egyptians’ defiance that did a miraculous achievement. One of the secrets of this success is the belief of the importance of the mission. Another secret reveals itself clearly is collaboration to achieve success being one in heart and mind. Thus, faith and team work were the two essential secrets of this global-Egyptian miracle like the rest of human miracles and unique achievements in the world.
Belief in the mission
Dogged perseverance in work till reaching the greatest degrees of success indicates a deep degree of the power of faith in one’s life. It is the first motive that encourages him to reach what he aspires to. Faith in this context means that he is certain of success at reaching the purpose he seeks. No man whatsoever would achieve success or make achievements without faith in what he does and a strong desire to do it. They say“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.”Thus man’s desire to succeed and his steadfastness till he reaches what he aspires to are the most important motives that push him toward success. When you believe in what you do, you will be seeking to perfect it as they say if you perfect your work, you will achieve your dreams. Thus you should toil and work diligently, but also you have to believe in the role of knowledge in helping humans to solve the problems they may face. Nevertheless, one should never let problems hinder his way to success, but rather he should be more determined to achieve his goals, thus he will never feel despair as Edison has said “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10000 ways that won’t work.”
We witnessed that in during thecompletion of this great project; Egyptians hold a deep belief in what they are doing, are motivated by a great love for their homeland, “Egypt”, that’s why they were united to complete this unique achievement. Faith should be connected with two fundamental matters; teamwork and unity that should connect the members of the team. If both are found, people can do miracles. When people cooperate and collaborate they can achieve whatever they are aspiring to. This was manifested during the project of New Suez Canal. All people collaborated to turn that dream into reality. Egypt has granted her gift to the world. All Egyptians collaborated in this project. The Armed forces in addition to many companies have worked on the project and all the Egyptian people financed it. Thus, it becomes a sheer Egyptian project. We can do nothing, but keep encouraging each other to continue with our collaborated plan for a better future for Egypt, our deep-hearted abode that resisted all what it faced over ages and kept granting its goodness that flow like a fast-flowing river.
God keep Egypt and protect her from evil
Anba Ermia,
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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