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I’d like to congratulate my Muslim brethrens in Egypt, the Middle East and the whole world on the Sacrifice Feast praying to God for Egypt’s security and keeping her away from any evil.
In the previous article we spoke of the land’s corruption due to man’s injustice so much that God sent the flood to wipe humans off the face of the earth except for Noah and his sons. We also tackled the issue of Justice according to all the religions as injustice is hated by God and increases aggressiveness in society and leads to its deterioration.
Moreover, we spoke of different sorts of corruption like corruption of the flesh or the malfunction of its cells, the religious corruption and deviation from goodness that can’t be treated except through repentance. Today, we are going to proceed with our talk on other sorts of corruption….
Immorality suggests corruption of morals and it’s the first thought that strikes our mind when mentioning corruption possibly due to the religious teachings that concentrate on man’s good behaviors, morals and values like love, mercy, justice ,honesty, and sincerity.
Moses wrote the 10 commandments that represented the criteria of morals. They included the basic morals like, honoring parents, abhorring murder, adultery and theft in addition to not to crave for other people’s possessions as envy and hatred are the reasons to that crave. In Christianity, we can find the commandments and statues that urge man to commit to meekness, peace, love in addition to giving alms and avoiding unreasonable anger. Islam also urges people to hold on morals like “Piety is in good manners“, I Hadith “The best of you are those who have the good manners” “Nothing is heavier in the balance of the faithful in the doomsday than good manners as God abhors the immoral man“
Immorality expands to include crimes like murder, stealing, infidelity, forging, mistreatment, hatred that result in violation of rights, possessions and defamation.
Any family has a great role to bring up their children morally and give them a god role model. Educational and religious institutions have undeniable role toward children and young people. Man has to assess his behaviors and give much attention to the sincere advices of his closed ones. He has to remember that bad company corrupts good manners. Bad friends are the quickest way to man’s deviation.
The equation by al-Khwarizmi is a great example of the aforementioned;
He was asked about Human Beings in general and he answered using an equation which went like this:
If a person had ethics and manners then s/he is = 1
If this person was beautiful then add a zero to the one = 10
If s/he had money, then add another zero = 100
If s/he had a good family and relatives, then add another zero = 1000
If you lose number 1 which is ethics and manners, the value of that person is lost and what remains are the zeros which have no value at all.
Many thinkers believe that corruption of manners or immorality is the reason behind social, political and economical crises. It brings to my mind Ahmed Ragab’s words that any crisis in our life whether political, social, related to goods or that of Gas shortage is originally due to the crisis of manners.
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