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We have spoken of the person who holds true, deep human feelings inside his heart and how he should present them to others, thus bringing a new heart to the world. Some may think that their actions of love are trivial and would never be enough to change the world, yet they do not know that the little love they offer maybe presents the whole world to them. As per the experience of those who spent their life in serving the poorest areas in the world, Mother Teresa, who tells us that, ” Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.“As we previously discussed the element of depth and how it should be applied to thinking, listening, acting with others and offering them true empathy; today we are going to tackle the issue of spiritual depth that if a person has not the chance to experience, he would never be able to realize the meaning of true happiness in his life.
Spiritual depth is crucial for life. It is to spiritually grow through many channels: reading, studying and searching for true knowledge that reveals the secret to a true, profound spiritual life that is far beyond shallowness. Thus, a deep person would seek the essence of religious teachings; while, at the same time, his life does not depend on intellectual knowledge only, but that knowledge penetrates his life and affects his self-image, his relationship with God and people as well. A deep spiritual would pray deeply and honestly. He also obeys God’s commandments out of deep understanding to them and true love to God and others. For instance,practicing giving should be done cheerfully out of our love to God, the source of our love to others. The same goes for practicing mercy; it would be out of being God’s creation and equal in humanity.
Another trait of the deeply spiritual person is his commitment to honesty in holding all his responsibilities as he believes that God trusted him to be honest in doing his job and supporting his people seeking the good to them. Moreover, he would never hesitate to help whoever he meets.
He is also steadfast and a believer so firm that he is never carried away by any kind of strange teachings. Nowadays, superficiality is sneaking to all life arenas driving people to potential destruction, nevertheless the deepness of spiritual person would help him to be a good, righteous person who edifies whenever he goes and carries a message of peace to the whole world.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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