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To the Child in manger:
Before more than two thousand years, at a chilly, pitch dark night and above a simple manger, the star of Your birth has appeared in the sky shinning in our world carrying a message to humanity, its title is “peace and joy”. Angels declared this message as a hymn offered to the vigilant shepherds. This star has led the Eastern Wise Men as they offered you their gift. Hence, a true unusual joy has prevailed in the world. However, Your birth was not accepted by the powers of evil represented in an earthly king who did not realize the message of Your heavenly birth. He searched for You everywhere thinking that he could distort all the meanings of love, goodness and peace. He did not stop his evilness, but he went on killing innocent children in Bethlehem and they turned into martyrs. Indeed, Herod’s evilness was not able to extinguish the light of Your glowing star. Days and ages have passed on and with each attempt to extinguish the glow of hope and goodness that humanity knows, evilness have never prevailed and it will not as the true victory is always for goodness that is a part of the nature of our Almighty God.
You may look at the world nowadays to find that peace is fading bit by bit due to the conflicts, fights and wars that prevail in the world. Love was faltered and probably was destroyed completely in many hearts.
Many people have been going from a dark to darker areas as if they are dwelling in isolated islands. However, many have never abandoned their faith in goodness that should prevail in the world. They carry the lanterns of goodness to shatter the darkness of the world, having a great mission to fulfill to help ease the pain and suffering of humanity.
At the night of Your birth, while we are celebrating it, allow me to offer You my supplication:
May the star of Your birth shine sending the beams of peace out to the world to wipe out worry, distress and suffering.
May the message of joy declared to the shepherds shine on those in pain to heal their wounds and offer heavenly solace to their broken hearts.
May the star of Your birth shower the needy who were intentionally or unintentionally neglected and left alone with their needs unfulfilled and their distress uncomforted, with abundant blessings.
May the star of Your birth offer love and mercy to the hearts that were gone astray amid a long path of cruelty trying to hide all signs of true humanity.
May the star of Your birth illuminate the darkness of injustice that prevails in the world.
May the star of Your birth shine with hope to each weary soul so that we can revive the hymn of Your birth,
“Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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