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Crises, hardships and difficulties are experienced by all of us. Many ask: is there a way to lead an easy life? The answer is in following lines of the famous poet, Abu al-Alaa al-Maarri
“Life is but a hardship
How strange is he who thirsts for more?!”
Life is full of hardships; however each one of us perceives it differently according to his life vision, understanding of the eventual end of all the hardships he suffers whether desirable or destructive. Nevertheless, we should learn how to see the good beyond all situations.
They say, “Do not regret a single day in your life, good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days teach lessons of life and the best days give happy memories”
Quitting life when facing crises is negative as it would only add to your pain and foil any attempt to overcome the crisis. Therefore, when life surprises you with hardships, remember they are doomed to end and be ready to face, survive and learn from them how to make progress in your life. Wisdom gained through life hardships and positive thinking is what distinguishes a person from another.
Life principles help their holder to overcome crises. Neglecting the great principles of honesty, wisdom, love, mercy and respect would not help to survive life crises. You can forget or try to forget your crises, but you would never be able to embark on a new era in your life that leads to a bigger success. Whoever resort to lying, deceit or fear and surrender would face the inevitable consequences of his decisions.
It came to pass that a country had to suffer a huge starvation which threatened death of its inhabitants. Its governor summoned them and discussed the coming crisis with them and how they should collaborate to face it. Then, he had a queer request that each one of them should empty a glass of milk in a huge jar amid the city under condition that no one should watch him. Then ……………
To be continued …
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center
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