The Lebanon poet, Gibran Khalil Gibran once said “Don’t let the clothes you wear be the most expensive thing about you, so you don’t find yourself cheaper than what you wear.”Herein I’d like to reflect on the idea of human value. Humans are valuable in the eyes of God. According to Christianity, man has been created on the image of God and takes after His qualities of mercy, justice, love…etc however to limited degrees. In Islam, man is the representative of Allah on earth. So he is so dearly precious. Some think that man’s value equals what he owns of money, power or position. All those earthly matters will fade away someday. Good Values, principles are all what remain. Man’s true value is determined through his deeds from the moment of his birth till that of his death; what he adds to humanity. There is a beautiful saying that goes like, “The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive. A sun emits light, though it owns heat” Man’s generous giving makes him closer to God and people. When man realizes that the true value is within him, he would try to improve the life quality and seeks his desired goals. If he tried to help others using his God-gifted talents, he would discover the true value of his life. Many inventors used their intellectual abilities to help others and alleviate their pain. They are prominently memorable over the passing of time. Their names and inventions were deeply engraved in the memory of history. Those who have artistic talents may use them for the delight and inspiration of others. Greatness should not be measured by much one presents to other but rather by how deep he affected others. Many small acts had a huge effect that changed others’ life.
I recall a story about a porter in the train station who used to meet all people with a sweet smile on his face. His encouraging words and cheerfulness eased all those who are in distress. He once met with a person who told him that he had helped his mother, carried her luggage and moved her wheel chair. He felt for her sadness and encouraged her. The young man has told him that his mother died yet she was thanking God for meeting him.
Thus, try to remember that, God has gifted you with great and effective talents for those who live with you. Your value springs from utilizing your inner abilities so try to develop and use them for the happiness of others and to support your country, family and neighbors. Thus, you will be present even if you departed from this life. Your true value exceeds the limits of place and time.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center