The article “Are vaccines safe?”dealt with the testimonies given by some doctors and experts about the dangers of some vaccines that are injected to children and their negative effects on their future health, and concluded by pointing out the importance of studying the medicines and vaccines that are provided to humans and may lead to more risks. The testimony that Dr. Lawrence Palevsky has given is not against vaccines or saving the lives of many, but rather a humanitarian appeal to conduct a serious scientific study that senses ultimate responsibility for preserving and saving people.
The real question that is strongly posed is: Who is responsible for licensing vaccines and declaring that they are safe and will not negatively affect the future of human life, whether by causing complications or by leading to other types of diseases that people may suffer from in the future? Such questions are not addressed to the companies producing vaccines, but rather tothe authorities in charge of approving and testing them, overlooking the risks arising from their use.
At the present time, many people lack confidence in vaccines especially that related to COVID-19, and many opinion polls in the world, particularlyin the United States of America, have reflected negative views about them. Studies have shown that about two-thirds of Americans say they will not get the vaccineunless it is validated and tested on millions of people, at best.There are several reasons for this approach, the most important of which is the emergence of a trend that considers that the safety of vaccines and their effects on human health have not been properly studied, which constitutes a source of great danger to human health. These vaccines may cause a group of chronic diseases that maypersist with people throughout their lives. Dr. Lawrence Palevsky referred to this, saying, “Can the components of the vaccine pass to the human brain? No one has studied this before. However, the studies conducted on animals, using the same chemicals found in human vaccines injected to children, have directly shown that the components of vaccines enter the brain! How could we ignore such information!!”He also spoke about a European study linking the aluminum nanoparticles to diseases that humans may catch, such as the disability diseases in adults including Alzheimer’s, chronic body inflammation, neurological disabilities, asthma, epilepsy, autism and immune diseases!
In addition, another team is convinced that the vaccination itself has enormous damages that exceed the severity of the disease itself, which was mentioned in the latest news about studies related to the “Oxford vaccine”. According to the British newspaper “Daily Mail”, US officials expressed their major concern over the expected side effects of the “Oxford vaccine” developed by the pharmaceutical company“AstraZeneca”. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States of America have investigated these effects. Dr. Avindra Nath, Clinical Director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), stated that specialists are deeply concerned about the side effects that have emerged, especially after a British volunteer had been rushed to hospital with a spinal cord infection.
The vaccine is thought to destroy the myelin, a fatty substance that protects the nerves, which impairs nerve impulses travelling along the spinal cord and causes pain, fatigue and bladder and bowel problems, and may also lead to permanent paralysis and transverse myelitis! Dr. William Schaffner, Professor of Preventive Medicine and Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, confirmed that the case was so severe that it led to hospitalization, that there was no known cause of transverse myelitis, and that the vaccine might have caused an atypical immune response that led to transverse myelitis.
Indeed, the talk about “Beautiful Egypt”is endless.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center