A previous article tackled some internal and external troubles Pope Christodoulos (the 66th patriarch of Alexandria) had faced. The biographer of this pope referred to unusual incidents occurred during the days of this pope, like the emergence of two great stars with tails for several days, one of them towards the east and the other towards the west, he cites: “After the emergence of these two, our sins and transgressions abounded, we grew more fleshy and luxurious, that some trusted groups of Muslims and Christians eye witnessed tears flowing from the eyes of some icons in the churches: including the icon of Saint George at a church located in Damoul village, one of Abwan villages, besides the icon of Saint Virgin Mary, Archangel Michael at the church of Tuna…” This was followed by awful disasters, like a terrible earthquake that was succeeded by a pandemic that plucked out the lives of many, he said: “This was followed by an outbreaking pandemic. About one hundred persons only remained in Tinnis city, which was once a residence for thousands. None of the citizens of Al Ramla city remained alive”. Things deteriorated with a brutal war erupting between Beni Hamdan and the Turks; claiming the lives of many, causing the country to be looted, people molested and children slaughtered. Historians state that Pope Christodoulos had faced severe troubles caused by Laguatan tribe; they captured him, looted what he had possessed and tortured him, and finally released him only after he gave them 3000 dinars!
Pope Christodoulos was contemporary to the distress known as Al-Mustansiri Plight and the resulting wave of high prices pervaded the country that people found nothing to eat – and it was discussed in detail in previous articles. It is worth mentioning about that difficult stage that Bishop Basillious of Armant used to give all his bread in spite of high prices. One night, a person knocked at his door seeking bread, since the bishop had only two loaves of bread, he gave that person one of them. After a while, another man knocked at his door, and he offered him a portion of the second loaf while keeping the remaining portion. When time came for this father bishop to break his fasting at the evening -since he used to fast for a long time- a third person came to him seeking bread, and he commanded his disciple to give the one asking the entire portion of bread left, unconcerned with himself! His disciple tried to object but Bishop Basillious obliged him to offer the beggar the bread he had asked for, while he stayed with no food for himself! The biographer continues: “A part of the night had passed before the door was knocked again, he told his disciple to speak to the knocker, his disciple angrily replied: we have nothing left to give for him who knocks; how would I speak to him while we have nothing to give?! He insisted on answering him, the disciple opened the door to find someone pushing to him food wrapped in a handkerchief! He did not even see his face, then he left and never came back, not even to take back his handkerchief.”!
It was also mentioned that many wonders occurred in the days of Pope Christodoulos: Great light shone on the icon of Saint Virgin Mary at the Church of Saint Martyr Victor in Giza at the time of prayer on the day of celebrating the Martyr’s Day, all the people present witnessed the marvelous light that lasted for long. It was also said about one of the saint father monks called Saint Bassous at the Monastery of Abba Kama, that during that distressful year, the Arabs and others would visit the monastery and Saint Bassous used to offer food and wheat to whoever visited the monastery, that there was nothing left for the monks but food for one day only. Some people came to them seeking food, so Saint Bassous commanded the monks to give what they had, but they complained and got raged, he quietly told them that God would at the end of the day send them provisions that will suffice them for days! They offered the wheat they had. The people asked the monastery’s mill to grind the wheat; Saint Bassous gave them what they wanted, then he addressed the complaining monks: “Do not despair! The Lord brings us what we need, for He -Glory be to His name- never lacks knowledge of anything. Comfort yourselves.” In the evening, two camels loaded with wheat arrived at the monastery, and one of them carried a new mill larger than the one they had provided, and they thanked God for his care. And… stories in beautiful Egypt never end!
The General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center