A previous article talked about the Abbasid Caliph Al-MustarshidBillah(512-529 AH) (1118-1135 AD), who witnessed the continuation of the conflict among the members of the Seljuk state, and who tried to regain the influence of the Abbasid caliphs, so he formed a large army with which he fought many battles until his death; After him, his son, Al-Rashid Billah, assumed the caliphate, becoming the thirtieth caliph of the Abbasid state, but he was dethroned and was succeededby his uncle, Al-Muqtafili Amr Allah.
Al-Muqtafili Amr Allah (530-555 AH) (1136-1160 AD)
The thirty-first caliph of the Abbasid state, his name is Aba Abdullah Al-Hussein Ibn Al-Mustazhir, and nicknamed “Al-Muqtafili Amr Allah”, he was pledged to the caliphate in 530 AH (1136 AD),and ruled the Abbasid state for nearly twenty five years, it is said about him: “During his long rule, the dispute continued among the Seljuk members of the royal house, so the Caliph seized the opportunity and extended his political influence over Iraq, having no Seljuk co-ruler. Al-Muqtafi was featured with bravery and courage, he engaged in wars himself… He was meek, generous, just, good-natured, a man of good opinion and intellect.” Also, it was said about him: “He was an imam who was knowledgeable, author, courageous, meek, of good morals, of full glory (sovereignty and honor), worthy of the caliphate, having few likes among the imams.” Al-Muqtafi fell ill and died in 555 AH (1160 AD), to have the caliphate affairs passed to his son, Al-MustanjidBillah.
Al-MustanjidBillah(555-566 AH) (1136-1171 AD)
He is Abu Al-Muzaffar Yusuf bin Al-Muqtafili AmrAllah,nicknamed Al-MustanjidBillah, he became the crown prince at the age of twenty-nine. After the death of his father, and before he took over the affairs of the state, a plot was plannedby Umm Ali, the mother of his brother, to kill him, but the plot was foiled, and he succeeded in taking over the caliphate. Historians mentioned that he used to compose poetry, including:
She reproached me with grey hair and it is reverence,
I wish she reproached me with what is a disgrace
If my forelocks are greyed,
The nights are adorned by the moons
Ibn al-Taghri mentioned in this regard: “Al-Mustanjid was brown, long-bearded, moderate in stature, brave, majestic, just among the people, intelligent, eloquent, clever; and he removed grievances and taxes.” He ruled for nearly eleven years, and then was succeeded by his son, Al-Mustadi’ Billah
Al-Mustadi’ Bi Amr Allah (566 – 575 AH) (1171 – 1179 / 1180 AD)
He is Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Yusuf, nicknamedAl-Mustadi’ bi-Amr Allah. During his days, the Fatimid state became extinct, and the rule of the Ayyubid state began, Egypt and its dependencies as well as Syria returned under the rule of the Abbasid state religiously. The Abbasid caliphs were mentioned again on the pulpits after being totally ignored during the era of the Fatimid state. Historians have described Al-Mustadi’ saying: “He was just, had a good conduct among people, and sacrificed a lot of money. People, under him, were in general security, comprehensive charity, and tranquility that they had never seen before.” Al-Mustadi’ passed away and was succeeded by his son Al-Nasir Li-Din Allah.
Al-Nasir Li Din Allah (575-622 AH) (1180-1225 AD)
He is Abu al-Abbas Ahmed bin al-Mustadi’, nicknamed Al-NasirLi din Allah. He is considered to be of the longest reign among the caliphs of the Abbasid state, as he ruled for nearly forty-seven years. Historians disagreed about him: some of them mentioned: “He was of an ugly conduct among his people, unjust to them, so in his days, Iraq was destroyed and its people dispersed in countries, and he did something and its contrary! He joined the Shiite sect. He was claimed to correspond with the Tatars, making them greed for the country”, while others consider him: “characterized by nobility and daring. During his reign, the caliphate regained much of its former status. He was famous for his courage and generosity… He exerted his utmost efforts to eliminate the influence of the Seljuks, thus encouraging strife and unrest among the members of that family and its princes in order for them to weaken each other…” However, they agreed that he used the Tatars to confront Shahat (or Shah) Khawarezm who coveted to have the power and influence of the Seljuksin Iraq, but the Tatars coveted to seize the country of the Abbasid state, and… Stories in beautiful Egypt never end!
The General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center