“If we could know in advance who we are and where we are going, we could know what we should do and what we will do.” ;Indeed, in life, before stepping, talking, knowing and discussing, we shall realize who we are: to understand well who we are, what we offer to others, and the direction we desire to reach, especially those who have a personal or leading ability to deal with human beings. When we realize ourselves, our aims, and our directions, then we can know what we ought to do; this leads me to talk about the role of the media, which is having an increasingimpacton individuals and societies a day after anotherto a dangerous degree, given the information revolution in our world.
The media codes of honor in all countries confirm that media is a message of presenting and disseminating the truth to reach the audience freely, impartially and honestly. Thus, one of the most important goals of media means and professionals is to present a clear, integrated media vision that convey the media message honestly, lest the desired impact shall turn into negative impacts that harm people and in turn the whole community. Therefore, the media becomes a double-edged sword: a means of building and upgrading societies, or a means of demolishing and fragmenting peoples and values. Media plays a very critical role in either maintaining or destroying the security of the homeland, through its disseminated ideas in society; this shall hold the media and media professionals responsible for following accuracy in the news, topics and messages they present, besides, they shall maintain objectivity, moral values and respect for others’ feelings,not the least all that is relatedto religions, sanctities and defending the public interest of society.
In general, Eastern societies are characterized by their peoples being strongly attached to religion, which widely affects the crystallization of human thoughts, motives, and behavior. Through the history of Egypt in particular, we see a close connection between the Egyptian and his belief. Having a quick look over history since its dawn, in the eras of the Pharaonic dynasties that succeeded each other ruling Egypt till this day, we can realize this close connection between society and religion. Therefore, the attempts made to question beliefs or disrespect sanctities are nothing but attempts to sow strife aimed at destroying the security of the homeland. Attempts to destabilize the principles and faith will only produce a kind of disorder and instability in human life, and the result is only a deep negative impact on the entire community and a demolition of the country’s security and stability.
The goal of raising doubts around religious beliefs is destroying and erasing religions, or as some claim: “bringing the age of religions to end.” These attempts will only increase disasters, wars, and instability of hearts, which were created with a deepaffiliation and a special connection to the Creator. Man is not only a flesh that is consumed upon death as atheists claim. Rather, he has a spirit from God, always longing and striving towards its Creator, finding its lasting happiness in getting close to Him, as one of the saints expressed it: “Our hearts remain anxious until they rest in You, O God.” As for the attempts to show the existence of conflicts, claims of renewal, and accusations of stagnation, they are all claims that shall be verified first before being released to people as facts.
Dear man, God created you free. However, freedom is accompanied by a responsibility to give an account on it before God and mankind. Your freedom is not a stone that hinders others’freedoms, and your freedom of expression is not an acceptable reason for hurting the feelings of others and for not respecting their faith and sanctities. Freedom requiresdiscipline; otherwise it becomes useless and random, just like a river: its waters flow, but they flow between two banks in a controlled path.Freedom has an obligation, just like traffic lights: each color has a specific obligation to cross, to stop, or to prepare to cross. Abstaining from offending others and respecting their freedoms both stem from the point of commitment to freedom. And… Stories about beautiful Egypt never end!
The General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center