زار قداسة البابا الأنبا تواضروس الثاني، بابا الإسكندرية وبطريرك الكرازة المرقسية، مقر بطريركية الروم الأرثوذكس بالحمزاوى على رأس وفد كنسى،...
It is almost 12:00 a.m. The New Year is pretty close. How quiet the atmosphere is! Everybody...
A new year is to begin in few days and we will say good bye to this year with...
For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. (Matt. 18: 11)
In the previous article, we tackled the barriers which man builds within his self, being unable to...
In the previous article, we spoke of Pope Theodorus who was contemporary to Hisham bin Abdul Malik, al-Walid bin...
I talked in the former article about the importance of being ready to face life challenges and overcome...