Beautiful Egypt 422 – «Al-Amer» – 27/10/2021
The previous article continued tackling Al-Musta’li Billah and the Franks’ march towards the East during his reign, then Al-Amer Bi...
The previous article continued tackling Al-Musta’li Billah and the Franks’ march towards the East during his reign, then Al-Amer Bi...
The previous article tackled the sixth Fatimid Caliph of Egypt, Al-Musta’liBillah (487-495 AH) (1094-1101 AD), who assumed power after the...
A previous article tackled the Abbasid Caliph Al-MustazhirBillah (487-513 AH) (1094-1118 AD), who ruled the Abbasid state for twenty-four years...
On Monday morning, October 11, 2021, His Grace Bishop Ermia, the General Bishop and Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural...
His Grace Bishop Ermia, the General Bishop and Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center received Doctor Tarek Tawfik, the...
I would like to felicitate all Egyptians for the forty-eighth anniversary of the glorious victory of October, which we are...
Last article tackled Pope Mikhail II (1092- 1102) who passed away out of plague, during his days, the Commander of...
Last article concluded tackling Pope Kyrillos II who departed in 1092 AD, and today we are tackling his successor: Pope...
Happy “Nayrouz” feast to the Copts of Egypt and the entire world, we celebrated it few days ago. Nayrouz Feast...
Previous articles tackled the life of Pope Kyrillos II, his meeting with Caliph al-Mustansir and the Prince of Armies, as...