أخبار (العربية) نيافة الأنبا إرميا يعزى الملكة إليزابيث الثانية ملكة المملكة المتحدة والأسرة الملكية في وفاة الأمير فيليب دوق أدنبرة 10 April,2021
Meetings and Conferences (العربية) نيافة الأنبا إرميا يرأس حفل تأبين الفنان العالمي عادل نصيف بالمركز الثقافي القبطي الأرثوذكسي 10 April,2021
أخبار His Grace Bishop Ermia expresses felicitations for settling the crisis of the ship stuck in the Suez Canal 10 April,2021
Meetings and Conferences His Grace Bishop Ermia participates in the conference of the Faculty of Shariah and Law at Al-Azhar University entitled “The Sharia and legal principles in the document of human fraternity … reality and aspirations.” 10 April,2021
Liturgies and Vespers His Grace Bishop Ermia participates in the eve of enthroning His Grace Bishop Philopateer as bishop of Abu Qurqas 10 April,2021
Liturgies and Vespers The Divine Liturgy of the ninth anniversary of the departure of the Triple Beatified His Holiness Pope Shenouda III from the Monastery of Saint Bishoy, Wadi Al-Natroun 10 April,2021
Liturgies and Vespers The speech of His Grace Bishop Ermia on the eve of enthroning His Grace Bishop Makarios as bishop of Minya and its dependencies 10 April,2021
Photo Albums His Grace Bishop Ermia Receives His Excellency Ambassador Ramón Gil-Casares, the Ambassador of Spain to Cairo 10 April,2021
Photo Albums The President of the Republic of Hungary and his Spouse visit the Hanging Church accompanied by HG Bishop Ermia and HG Bishop Yulius 10 April,2021
Photo Albums Honoring HG Bishop Ermia, a faculty member at the Institute of Coptic Studies, in the graduation ceremony of new batches at the Institute 10 April,2021