We spoke in the previous article about the importance and value of work and how it may turn the dreams to reality and the most important elements of success, assessment. On our path to success; we face a lot of problems, but we should not let despair sneak in its way to our souls and thus give up. As despair and giving up are steps to failure.
Evaluation is one of the main stages to success; however many people neglect it. The pathway to success is not just moving without stop; however it involves rest stations after each stage, which we can call evaluation. We should be sure of how clear our goals before us are. One should study his steps and make sure if he is making progress or retreating back. In case you find out there is a great distance between what you bent on achieving and what already is achieved or that you are falling behind; then you should evaluate your strategy and the approaches you adopted to reach your goal. Evaluation should be followed by adjustments or what we can consider as “formation”. Ignoring both will inevitably lead one to failure. We should always be certain that we are on the right track of achieving our goals, lest we found ourselves lost in the mirage of life that is why we should recount the following story:
Once upon a time, one of the most horrible accidents has taken place in the USA. It came to pass that a freight train was on hold due to its breaking down. While it was under repair; another train whose passengers were students was coming toward it. The passenger train’s driver held a banner to warn the driver of the freight train. However the driver did not react which led to the aforementioned horrible accident. When inquiring the freight’s driver about seeing the banner; he said that he had seen it but it was not red, but rather yellow. They put the two drivers to color blindness test and they found out that both are sound, yet the banner’s color faded away due to passing of time and turning into yellow. The yellow banner meant that the driver should pass slowly not calling the opposite train to halt.
When time passes by, goals are changed and resolution becomes weaker. So it is so beneficial that we pause every while to think about our life and evaluate our current position. To be continued…
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural center