Speeches Special Statements from His Grace Bishop Ermia to Radio Nile on the Nativity 22 January,2025
Speeches (العربية) كلمة نيافة أنبا إرميا في مؤتمر اتحاد الناشرين المصريين في إطار مبادرة «انزل.. شارك» 22 January,2025
Speeches H.G. Bishop Ermia’s statement at the open interview between the Palestinian community and the Egyptian political, societal and civil powers 22 January,2025
Video Sermons “Examples of Holy Zeal” A Sermon of His Grace Bishop Ermia given at Saint George’s Church at Hammamat Al-Qobba 22 January,2025
Video Sermons “He Who Wins Souls is Wise”, A Sermon of His Grace Bishop Ermia at Saint George’s Church at Manshyat Al-Sadr 22 January,2025
Photo Albums HG Anba Ermia on the eve of the martyrdom of Saint Mina, “The distress and pain of St. Mina led him to rely entirely on God.” 22 January,2025
Video Sermons His Grace Bishop Ermia’s Word in the Fortieth Day Mass for the Late Archpriest Boles Abdel Massih Tawadros, the Priest of St. George Church, Manshiyat al Sadr 22 January,2025
Video Sermons HG Bishop Ermia sermon on the 47th anniversary of Pope Kyrillos VI at the windmill 22 January,2025
Photo Albums HG Bishop Ermia heads “Crown them with glory” course graduation ceremony at the center 22 January,2025
Photo Albums H.G. Anba Ermia presides over the Holy Mass at St. Mina Church, Holmdel – New Jersey 22 January,2025